since 2016
Amor PeludoWith a focus on helping underserved and lower income communities, we provide assistance with TNR, spay/neuter, pet rehoming and pet food for Las Vegas families in need.
About Us
What We Do
Amor Peludo strives to improve animal welfare in underserved and lower income neighborhoods. With programs focused on TNR, spay & neuter, pet food assistance, and education, our mission is to significantly reduce owner surrenders, eliminate backyard breeding, and control the feral cat population in Las Vegas.
With an estimated 85,000 community cats living on the streets of Las Vegas, Amor Peludo provides assistance with TNR- trap, neuter, and release. We’ll help find a volunteer trapper, teach you to trap, and assist with traps and resources. We’ll ensure that the feral cats are fixed, vaccinated, and returned to their colonies, where they will no longer contribute to over population. We work with colony feeders to provide food and (depending on the location) shelters.
When we trap cats that are deemed adoptable, we work to find them a foster home, either within our own foster family or with a partnering rescue organization. Our network provides help for stray and abandoned dogs, as well.
Another key component of Amor Peludo’s mission is providing low income pet owners with affordable spay and neuter options for their cats and dogs. Often, lack of information or lack of access to resources will lead to “oops” litters. We provide information on the benefits of spay and neuter with the intent of eliminating accidental pregnancies and casual breeding. Transportation to appointments is sometimes available, as well.
Our newest endeavor is a pet food pantry, which provides occasional assistance to families who need a little extra help making ends meet.
The majority of our volunteers are bilingual, which has been an incredible benefit in many of the areas where help is needed most.
Our Programs

food pantry
Sometimes a little assistance is needed and we provide meals to your furry family members.

Trap, neuter and release programs help eliminate the suffering of community cats.

Spay & Neuter
We help pet owners by offering affordable spay & neuter options.

foster or adopt
Let us help you find your newest family member. Save the life of a homeless animal today.
Donate a Bag of Food
Sometimes all it takes is a little help from the community to ensure that animals are being provided with proper nutrition. Help us provide meals to an animal in need.
Foster a Dog or Cat
Without foster families, homeless animals have no where to go except for overburdened, government-run shelters, where staffing is poor and euthanasia rates are alarming.
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